Hebron Investment Largest Donation in CNA’s History

$10 million contribution from the Hebron Project will support the expansion of College of the North Atlantic's climate change and sustainability programming.
$10 million contribution from the Hebron Project will support the expansion of College of the North Atlantic's climate change and sustainability programming.
Genesis, an innovation hub that supports start-ups from ideation to scaling their business, is working with ExxonMobil Canada Properties, operator of the Hebron project, and Hibernia Management and Development Company Ltd., operator of the Hibernia project, to foster early-stage technology innovation in the energy sector.
NL students, teachers, teachers-in-training to benefit from $1.25 million Hebron donation for ocean science programs
Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) awarded the ExxonMobil-operated Hebron project its Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations, and Institutions.
The ExxonMobil-operated Hebron Offshore Project will be presented with the OTC Distinguished Achievement Award for Companies, Organizations, and Institutions in recognition of its technological advancements while achieving world-class safety performance