Hebron Establishes Diversity Scholarships, Research Grants

The Hebron Project co-venturers have established endowments totaling $1.5 million for women, Aboriginal people, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities. The funds will be split evenly between students attending Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic.
The Hebron Project Diversity Scholarship Fund will assist students from among these four groups, with a preference for those who are enrolled in engineering, geoscience, environmental science, chemistry, and trades and technology studies. The fund will provide for the creation of multiple scholarships for access by eligible students.
In a separate one-time contribution of $80,000, the Hebron Project will support two areas of research at Memorial University. One will fund the study of the factors relating to fostering diversity in the workforce in science and engineering and the promotion and retention of designated groups in these professions. The other will support math, science, or engineering research led by a faculty member from among the four identified groups.
"At Memorial, we share Hebron's commitment to diversity," said Dr. Gary Kachanoski, Memorial's president and vice-chancellor. "To ensure a high standard for student development, it is critical to improve access across distinctions of gender, race and disability. The designation of research funding proposed by Hebron also reiterates their dedication to an inclusive workforce community. Hebron's innovative approach to this entire contribution will serve to increase the diversity of students studying science and engineering, and strengthen important participation rates in these fields."
"College of the North Atlantic and the co-venturers of the Hebron Project understand that today's economy is sustained by a diverse workforce," said Bruce Hollett, president of College of the North Atlantic. "By offering supports and recognition to women entering non-traditional careers, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities and members of visible minorities we are strengthening the future of our province. The effect today's announcement will have on our institution and our students will be a lasting one."
"ExxonMobil Canada and the Hebron co-venturers believe that supporting diversity is a key factor for the long-term success of our industry," said Hareesh Pillai, vice-president of ExxonMobil Canada and Hebron's senior project manager. "Creating an environment that supports diversity will help to increase the pool of candidates for hiring and promote a more diverse workforce in our industry."
Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic are currently working with the Hebron Project Operator to finalize details regarding scholarship criteria and research grant allocation. Information regarding applications will be made available once details are in place. The scholarship endowment is a one-time investment that will be managed by the university and the college into perpetuity.
For more information on how to apply visit the Memorial University and College of the North Atlantic websites.
The Hebron Project co-venturers are ExxonMobil Canada Properties (operator), Chevron Canada, Suncor Energy Inc., Statoil Canada and Nalcor Energy.

Media Contact:
Roger Hulan
Communications Specialist
College of the North Atlantic
(709) 643-7938
Lynn Evans
Public Affairs Advisor - Hebron Project
ExxonMobil Canada Properties
(709) 752-6433
Heather May
Director of Communications
Department of Education
(709) 729-0048